Daily school life


A studious, happy school climate

Cycle 1 in kindergarten is the structural foundation of every pupil's school career. During his first years at school, the child - who must also learn to become a pupil - will be permanently imprinted by his daily environment.

That's why we're working to ensure that it's as high quality as possible, both in terms of the relationships that bind us to it, and in the setting that welcomes it each morning.

To make this possible, the school day is highly structured, in line with the needs and rhythms of each child.


An educational program dedicated to our youngest students

In our pre-kindergarten sections, children from the age of 20 months are integrated into real classrooms, fully equipped with Montessori teaching materials. This is no longer a crèche or shared childcare. It's all about learning!
By joining their class group, children will gradually strengthen their concentration, exercise their fine and gross motor skills, and work on all their brain's executive functions, all of which will be a great help to them as they progress through school.
Attending school from the age of 20 months is a real opportunity for children, because the earlier they start learning, the more quickly they will feel at ease and develop a taste for school life.

A typical day at 123 mon école

Adjusting to life in pre-school


In keeping with Montessori's pedagogical approach, lunchtime is both an opportunity to share a moment of conviviality and tolearn the rules of living together at the table.

For the past 13 years, our lunches have been prepared by the Ekilibre caterer.

Most of our products are organic and from sustainable agriculture.

By offering new choices, Ekilibre also helps to educate children's tastes, while providing them with the nutritional values they need to thrive.

A playful approach

More color, more taste, more presentation! We encourage children to try new flavors and enjoy eating.

Vegetarian or meatless meals

123 mon école gives families who so wish the option of serving meals without animal proteins or with fish only, in keeping with household habits.

Mealtime is also...

The lunch box

For parents who wish to do so, it is also possible to bring their child's packed lunch, whether for health reasons or by personal choice.

Educational continuity

Mealtime is a continuation of Montessori learning:autonomy is encouraged at lunchtime. Children take turns setting the table, clearing their plates, and wishing each other "Bon appétit!

Living together

Slowly but surely, the team accompanies the children at lunchtime so that they learn to eat with their cutlery, cleanly and with respect for the other children around them. Mealtime is a time of conviviality, when politeness is encouraged!

Nap Time

Nap time is for all children in preschool and the first year of kindergarten.
Organized from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm and 3 pm, children can take the time they need to rest.
Each child has his or her own bed in the nap room, with a sheet and blanket provided by the school.

Educational immersion

This event is offered to all families in the spring: parents come in small groups to share 1 hour of classroom life. This highlight of the year enables parents to observe their child in his or her school environment, as well as to measure the child's level ofinvolvement, concentration and precision in the activities carried out at school.

Parents in the school

In addition to the festive events organized every year, parents of kindergarten children can come and spend time in their child's classroom. For example, they can talk to the children about their profession, share the specifics of their native culture, read a short story in their mother tongue, or accompany a school outing to the library or the farm! These little incursions into the school remind children that we walk hand in hand with our families!

Festive highlights!

Every year, the school celebrates a number of festivities that add a joyful and convivial touch to the school day.

On the program:

  • internal school events, such as birthdays, Halloween, International Day, Mardi Gras, family celebrations...
  • events with parents: of course, the end-of-year celebration with the Christmas vacations and the June party, to round off the school year in style. Occasionally, parents are invited to small vernissages to discover the children's works, specially hung in the school for the occasion.

Parenting tools

The families of123 mon école have several tools at their disposal to help them understand how our bilingual elementary school work and to follow their child's progress step by step:

  • a comprehensive welcome booklet
  • the annual calendar of school events
  • a digital liaison book to receive weekly publications from the educators
  • a Montessori learning follow-up booklet, in digital format
  • regular newsletters, providing parents with a wealth of resources and ideas for family activities.

Taking care of our students also means taking care of our schools

Ensuring impeccable hygiene

The cleanliness and ongoing upkeep of our facilities is central to our business, ensuring that children and staff alike enjoy a reassuring, functional and healthy environment.

The cleanliness stage

Most pre-school children are not yet potty-trained.
The educators take care of the children during diaper changes and gradually guide them towards cleanliness.

Objective: a diaper-free start to nursery school!


Each classroom is equipped with touch-free soap and hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers.

Clean schools

Professional cleaning and disinfecting take place on a daily basis.

On the cutting edge of innovation

123 mon écoleone of the first to install a surface purification and sterilization system (AIR Quos) and bactericidal paint (Umana).

The right tools for a safe environment

We cater for children, so the safety of our premises and the training of our teams in emergency situations are among our top priorities.

Fire safety and evacuation drills

Each year our teams attend fire-safety training and participate in evacuation drills.

School Safety Plan (Plan Particulier de Mise en Sureté (PPMS))

Our schools carry out exercises related to an external hazard, interpreted in the form of games for our students. Specific alarm systems are installed and we liaise with local authorities.

Caregiver identification

Departure of children: teams systematically check the identity of all new accompanying persons.

A school operation adapted to children's needs and rigorously organized to promote the well-being and academic success of our pupils.

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